iQFOiL Class oppdatering

Vi har fått en mail fra den internasjonale klassen for iQFOiL som følger:

Dear member, dear NBK,
first, we wish you well in the global fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The crisis is causing pain and suffering on a worldwide scale, but we must remain positive in our ability to beat this and come out of it stronger.
The other purpose of this email is to bring you up to date with the development of the iQFOiL class.
Equipment distribution
Alongside the recruitment of an international membership base a top priority has been the production and distribution of equipment.
Attached you will find the most recent statement from Svein Rasmussen, published on behalf of the iQFOiL class steering committee, on iQFOiL Class website.
This information has also been circulated directly by World Sailing to their Member National Authority (MNA) contacts.
An international calendar of iQFOiL and other relevant events is published for 2020.
We are particularly pleased to announce a World Championships scheduled for 19th to 24 October on Lake Garda.
For this event to proceed we, of course, need to see progress in defeating Covid-19.
We will work towards the “optimum” outcome and a Notice of Race is being prepared.
We also appreciate that well in advance of this championship we need to publish both Class (equipment) Rules and Championship (event) Rules.
Inaugural General Meeting
It is the current plan to hold an Inaugural General Meeting (IGM)for the iQFOiL Class during the World Championships on Lake Garda.
We will give sufficient Notice of the meeting to ensure the membership can be fully prepared for this meeting.
A very important outcome from the IGM will be the election of the iQFOiL Executive (management) Committee.

Regards, Ceri & Gonzalo
Contact details –
For information specifically related to calendar and equipment issues mark your enquiry: FAO – Gonzalo (Class Manager);
for information specifically related to membership and general administration issues mark your enquiry: FAO – Ceri (IWA Executive Secretary).
FAO – “for attention of”.

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